I just visited Yahoo! after finishing my preparations to teach catechism this evening, and I found this article:
Hopefully, you can take a look at the article, but the long and the short of it is that there's a woman in Mexico who is pregnant with nine babies. Nine babies! Uncool on so many levels! In the article, she asks for financial support. Her husband is a tire fitter and doesn't make much money, but somehow they thought it would be wise to have nine babies in addition to having one singleton and a set of triplets. And...they live with his parents!
I was so flabbergasted reading this article that I decided to scroll down to the comments. Most of the comments were about her plea for financial help. One comment really tickled my funny bone. I hope it does yours as well. Commenter Joe says, "A uterus should not be used as a clown car."
I so needed this reminder after reading the article. It diffused my anger and reminded me that I can only control my own reproductive choices. I still pray I never encounter any of these parents of "mega-multiples." I'm pretty sure "Love your neighbor" would be sorely tested!
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