After all the drama of my blood tests and the anticipation of Christmas, I did it! I survived Christmas! I even made it through two days of Christmas, one with M's family and one with my parents who are visiting for a whole week. So here's a quick rundown on just how well I did and how much better I'm doing.
Friday included a rather terrifying visit to the doctor's office to find out what all the tests on my blood tell us. The long and the short is that I am perfectly healthy and my doctor is expecting to see me back as soon as I'm ready to have a sonogram for my next pregnancy. Yes, you heard right - next pregnancy! I have to say I absolutely love my doctor. She was both encouraging and realistic. She says that based on my blood work and everything they saw throughout my pregnancy with Faith, we've suffered a "lightening strike." The chances of having this happen again are low enough that she highly encouraged us to try again. Yay for good news! She was also realistic about just how neurotic I can expect to be with any future pregnancies and said she will be willing to do a sonogram anytime I need one to calm my nerves. Like I said, I love my doctor! (She was also very apologetic about the amount of time I spent waiting to have my blood drawn.)
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were not easy by any means, but they also weren't as bad as I was expecting them to be. I have to say that I am very proud of M and I for doing quite well with the holiday. There were tears, but not too many, and there were happy moments, too, in spite of the tears. Overall, it was a pretty good day, and it was followed by Christmas number two with my parents today. Christmas number two was also not free of tears, but it was a good day as well. My mom and I made turkey and fixings, and she even helped me with my newest project, learning to embroider (she even started a project of her own!).
With two family Christmases over, I'm looking forward to New Year's. I think this is a holiday I can get on board with more than I could with Christmas. New Year's is about looking to the future, seeing possibilities, setting goals, and feeling the hope and promise of a new year. I think I can handle that. My prayer is that 2012 will be a better year. Not that 2011 has been all bad! The last two months somewhat ruined what was for the most part a good year. So here's hoping that 2012 starts and ends with happiness, for all of us!
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